26_Siyanikhumbula/We are Missing Them / 2007 (C/D)
Constitution Hill, Johannesburg
The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation and TRACE, collaborated to create the exhibition, “SIYANI KHUMBULA - WE ARE MISSING THEM” which is a commemoration of the disappeared and a tribute to the families’ dedicated efforts to search for the truth and give dignity to he memory of their loved ones. The work on the exhibition was created in the monthly support groups, which the CSVR co-facilitated. Memory boxes created by the participants are at the heart of the exhibition and are part of a process designed to assist individuals to heal and commemorate their loved ones in personal and individual ways. Interactive panels serve as a vehicle for gathering and sharing information. Visitors who may have knowledge about a particular disappearance are invited to call the CSVR with this information. Families of the disappeared who are not represented are able to leave the disappearance at the exhibition.